Personal Reflection as an Outgrowth
Personal Reflection as an Outgrowth of Reading Rick Warren’s Book, “What on Earth Am I Here For”
by Michelle Algarra
“What on Earth Am I Here For” is another groundbreaking book by the author of “Purpose Driven Life”, Rick Warren. It is full of information regarding spirituality that would be beneficial for all kinds of Christians to read, not just evangelical Protestants. Even Jewish Christians will benefit greatly from reading this book.
The main thesis is that saints are not created overnight. It takes effort to become a saint, and it is not a spontaneous conversion or automatic perfection God bestows on a repentant individual to whom He grants conversion after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
The daily diet of prayer, bible reading and study, and meditation as main essentials to Christian growth and overcoming are useless without action, or bearing fruit. What one has learned from scripture should be incorporated into one’s thoughts, words, and actions.
God created human beings as an expression of His love, because He wants to create extensions of Himself. The ultimate goal should always be eternal life in God’s Kingdom, transitory or peripheral goals merely secondary.
God’s love should overflow in His church, which is the microcosm of the divine Kingdom most human beings will eventually inherit.
Seeking to establish a relationship with God, communicating with Him should be done 24 hours a day, and not just during quiet times of prayer. Thinking godly thoughts even while performing perfunctory tasks like daily chores, being thankful for making the most of His provisions should be a daily undertaking or pursuit.
It is part of Christian duty to maximise all the skills an talents God gives, for the work of the Church and loving service to others. In the environment of the Church, all the talents God gives should flourish or develop.
Even in Christ’s body, individual Christians have unique personality traits and attributes, and each person has his or her own weaknesses to overcome. Many have similar problems, but God takes care of everybody, even the ones seemingly insignificant compared to others.
Christians have varied temperaments, as sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholy. Christian harmony necessitates learning to accommodate everyone, regardless of personality differences.
More than attending church services, listening to sermons, and fellowshipping with others of a like-minded faith, learning to S-H-A-R-E, and expecting solid answers to prayer is the goal of establishing fellowship with the Creator.
God is not a genie, for which reason He does not give everything people ask for according to the standards the world considers important, as inordinate wealth, fame, or success. However, since He is the giver of all things He also blesses people with material and all other resources and accoutrements necessary for a purposeful, productive life.
Christians are not perfect, only “saved”, or converted, more accurately defined, and are not immune to suffering. Life is a journey, and there are always blessings to be thankful for, regardless of circumstances. One’s time, or life, should be the triumph of Christian overcoming.