Men at Work … Temple Under Construction
I’m sure we have all walked past busy building sites, that are a hive of activity. We see men labouring away doing various jobs needed for the construction of that building, and more often than not there will be a sign saying “Men at Work, Building Under Construction”, or words to that effect.
Constructing a large building cannot be done in a haphazard fashion; if plans or alterations are made that do not comply with regulations then the building is put at risk. One example of this is one of a building constructed in Asia that tragically collapsed resulting in the loss of many lives.

Slippery Slope
A new controversial Canadian law went into effect on January 8, which considers Bible teaching on sexuality and gender as a "myth." The passage of Bill C-4 (the "conversion therapy" ban) is raising concern among many Canadian Christians. Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is a term for approaches aimed at changing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people to a heterosexual orientation or diminishing same-sex behavior and/or attractions.
In a letter published by Liberty Coalition Canada, a group of Evangelical pastors comment:
"This bill's wording is sufficiently broad to allow for the criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those in bondage to sexual sins like homosexuality and transgenderism... Even a mother or father who offers their children freedom from sexual sin through repentance and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) could be threatened with five years in jail."

Suicide and the Christian
Suicide and attempted suicide is a common theme on TV and in the newspapers. So common that people often recognise it as actually normal, or acceptable behaviour. Even some medical professionals, like doctors, believe it is a practical solution to egregious problems, including long-term and excruciating pain due to terminal illnesses. They use the term “euthanasia”, or physician-assisted suicide, commonly referred to as mercy killing, and psychological trauma.

Personal Reflection as an Outgrowth
“What on Earth Am I Here For” is another groundbreaking book by the author of “Purpose Driven Life”, Rick Warren. It is full of information regarding spirituality that would be beneficial for all kinds of Christians to read, not just evangelical Protestants. Even Jewish Christians will benefit greatly from reading this book.
The main thesis is that saints are not created overnight. It takes effort to become a saint, and it is not a spontaneous conversion or automatic perfection God bestows on a repentant individual to whom He grants conversion after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Christian Meditation
Aside from prayer and Bible reading/study, Christians must learn how to meditate. People know how to spend inordinate amounts of time in worry and lustful fantasizing. These are actually corrupt, wrong forms of meditation.
What is meditation? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, to meditate is to reflect on; contemplate, and/or to engage in prayer. Through prayer, first and foremost, we focus on communicating with God and baring our soul to Him. In the privacy of prayer, we reveal to Him our innermost thoughts, desires, pleas, and concerns. Through prayer, we fellowship with God who created all things, especially human beings in His image and likeness.