Slippery Slope

by Mike James

A new controversial Canadian law went into effect on January 8, which considers Bible teaching on sexuality and gender as a "myth." The passage of Bill C-4 (the "conversion therapy" ban) is raising concern among many Canadian Christians. Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is a term for approaches aimed at changing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people to a heterosexual orientation or diminishing same-sex behavior and/or attractions.

In a letter published by Liberty Coalition Canada, a group of Evangelical pastors comment:

"This bill's wording is sufficiently broad to allow for the criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those in bondage to sexual sins like homosexuality and transgenderism... Even a mother or father who offers their children freedom from sexual sin through repentance and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) could be threatened with five years in jail."

This new law will alter Canada's criminal code and prohibit forcing someone to undergo conversion therapy; taking a minor abroad to take part in conversion therapy; and profiting from, promoting, or advertising the practice. Violations can draw sentences of up to five years' imprisonment.

The bill was passed through a unanimous consent motion by the House of Commons on December 1 and the Senate on December 7. On December 8 it was given royal assent, a procedural stamp that started a 30-day clock until it took effect.

Some legislators were perplexed. Ted Falk, a Conservative member of Parliament from Manitoba, said he and other conservatives were "blindsided" by the bill that disregarded written viewpoints and concerns. In a Facebook post on December 17, he said there was no sign a consensus had been reached before the motion was unexpectedly presented just as everyone was rising, giving no time for objections.

"There were about four seconds in which any one of us could have voiced an objection and, in all honesty, before I could process what was happening, the motion had been passed," he wrote on Facebook.

"What was repeatedly requested by many of those making submissions was the government's guarantee—included in the legislation itself—that conversations with a religious leader, counselor, or parent continued to be protected and possible," the lawmaker added. "Sadly, these requests were not considered."

In other words, a minister counseling a child or a parent counseling their child could be in violation of the law if they try to dissuade the child from following a path to changing their gender or taking part in a homosexual lifestyle. We are beginning to move faster down the slippery slope to destruction.

The state, in a sense, is becoming god. The state, not the parent, is determining what is best for the child. This flies in the face of biblical teaching (Exodus 20:12). Proverbs 22:6 was not written for the state; it was written for parents in relation to raising their children. As ridiculous as these laws may seem to some of us to others this seems normal. I believe the die has been cast. The momentum is building for the crash of our culture. I don't know when, but it is easy to see by this sign and others what is coming.

Some will argue this is happening in Canada, but it won't be long before laws like this will be coming to the United States on a national scale.

The French banned conversion therapy on December 14, 2021, and at least a dozen other countries have similar forms of legislation.

In the United States, 20 states and Washington, D.C., have passed laws banning conversion therapy, according to Born Perfect, a group seeking to outlaw the practice.

Homosexuality and transgenderism are complex issues. All humans struggle with sins of various forms. Some sins might be more difficult to fight than others, but make no mistake about it, God tells us what sin is in His Word, and we must work to fight and overcome it regardless of what the state says. When the Bible is clear on a matter, we must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).

Sources: "New Canadian Law Will Describe Parts of the Bible as 'Myth,'" by David Cooke

"Conversion Therapy," Psychotherapy Bulletin,,2002%29%20or%20at%20diminishing%20same-sex%20behavior%20and%2For%20attractions.

"Canada Bans Conversion Therapy," by Christine Hauser, The New York Times, January 6, 2022.

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